about me
My name is Hannah Koke, and I am currently a senior at Anderson University’s School of Interior Design in Anderson, South Carolina on track to graduate in May of 2024 with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts.
I have a passion for designing spaces that are inclusive, functional, and sustainable. I am excited to be part of a team that has these same goals.
Thank you for taking the time to view my work!
my design philosophy
Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4:2
As an aspiring interior designer, I believe the profession is defined by so much more than simply creating aesthetically pleasing spaces. The profession bestows me with the responsibility to be a good steward of the earth that God has created and given to his people to dwell in. I aspire to design interiors in which all people are welcome and have the ability to thrive. I feel responsible to ensure that they are safe, functional, and promote inclusivity and wellbeing. Regardless of typology, each design should be tailored to meet the needs of the client, and not be harmful to the earth. In embracing a design philosophy that transcends mere aesthetics, I am committed to crafting interiors that not only welcome all with inclusivity but also prioritize safety, functionality, and environmental stewardship, ensuring each space is a harmonious blend of client needs and ecological responsibility.
Hannah Koke